HTML marquee标记能让物体表现出滚动、滑动、上下移动等运动。
详细情况请看教程HTML marquee用法
BASIC Marquee |
<marquee>Change text between marquee tags</marquee> |
Marquee BEHAVIOR |
<marquee behavior="slide">Slide marquee behavior</marquee> |
<marquee behavior="alternate">Alternate marquee behavior</marquee> |
<marquee direction="right">Right marquee direction</marquee> |
<marquee direction="up">Up marquee direction</marquee> |
<marquee direction="down">Down marquee direction</marquee> |
Marquee LOOP • Number of times marquee wiil scroll (loop) |
<marquee loop="3">This marquee is set to scroll (to loop) 3 times</marquee> |
<marquee loop="5">Another example: This marquee will loop 5 times</marquee> |
Marquee SCROLLAMOUNT • Smaller SCROLLAMOUNT value scrolls marquee slower |
<marquee scrollamount="10">SCROLLAMOUNT marquee equals 10</marquee> |
<marquee scrollamount="20">Another example: SCROLLAMOUNT marquee equals 20</marquee> |
Marquee SCROLLDELAY • Smaller SCROLLDELAY value scrolls marquee faster |
<marquee scrolldelay="250">SCROLLDELAY marquee. 250 = ¼ sec</marquee> |
<marquee scrolldelay="500">Another example: SCROLLDELAY marquee 500 = ½ sec</marquee> |
Miscellaneous HTML Marquee Tags |
<marquee bgcolor="#66CD00">Changing bgcolor value changes marquee background color</marquee> |
<marquee behavior="alternate"><marquee width="200">Reoccuring Marquee</marquee></marquee> |
<marquee scrollamount="5" width="40"><<<</marquee>Opposite Direction Marquees<marquee scrollamount="5" direction="right" width="40">>>></marquee> |
<marquee width="60%" direction="up" behavior="alternate"><marquee direction="right" behavior="alternate">ZigZag Marquee</marquee></marquee> |
<marquee scrollamount="15" direction="up" behavior="alternate"><marquee scrollamount="15" direction="right" behavior="alternate"><img src="YourImage.gif" /></marquee></marquee> |
<marquee direction="down"><img src="image.gif" /></marquee> |
<marquee"><img src="image.gif" /></marquee> |